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Home » Drum Lessons for Kids: When Are They Ready?

Drum Lessons for Kids: When Are They Ready?

    Though it may not seem like it to those who aren’t that focused on music, drums are one of the finest instruments to play. Yeah, there’s way more to it than just loud banging and drummers need to have impeccable hand-to-eye coordination, as well as outstanding control over every individual limb. And, most importantly, it’s the drummers who are keeping all the things in a band together. No matter the genre, there’s no good band without a good drummer. They’re in charge of timing and groove, and without that, you can’t really have anything sounding great. So, today’s topic is – drum lessons for kids!

    It’s no secret that kids often focus on the drums. It is, by far, one of the most interesting instruments to the youngest ones. But even though you’ll see a lot of interest and talent in your child who’s really keen on playing the drums, the main question comes to mind – is my child old enough for it? Is there an age limit for drums?

    Well, the whole topic is not that simple and requires a more in-depth approach. Here, we’ll be exploring this issue with the main goal of helping you decide whether to send your kid to drum lessons or not.

    Is There Such Thing as the “Perfect Age”?

    One of the first things that you might ask is whether there’s such thing as the “perfect age” for drums? While it’s really hard to say as it depends on many different factors, kids usually start as early as 6 years old. Of course, getting in on it too early might leave them a bit disinterested after a while and we’ve seen some pretty talented drummers building professional careers after starting to play their instruments at the age of 15 or even higher.

    The sooner they start, the easier they will learn this new instrument. However, starting early doesn’t guarantee that they’ll keep playing it after a few years if they’re not fully interested in it. Therefore, we’d argue that there’s no such thing as the “perfect age.” However, if they show interest at an early age, then this would be about the right age for them to start.

    Drum Lessons for Kids – Look for the Signs

    But before you go out there to purchase the drums and pay for their lessons, there are a few signs that you should look for. Firstly, if you notice that they have the tendency to keep the rhythm, either by humming or by hitting on anything, this would be the first important sign that they’re interested in it. Up next, knowing how to count and having the sense to count the rhythm is also pretty useful. After all, they’ll be using the notation, even from the earliest lessons where they’re getting acquainted with the instrument.

    Other signs include things that aren’t closely related to drumming itself. For instance, they need to have enough patience and focus to go through a lesson of any kind. Finally, they should be mature and disciplined enough to commit to a new skill that they’ll learn.

    More on drum lessons for kids below…

    drum lessons for kids

    Is Your Child Ready to Start Playing Drums?

    Of course, not every individual is the same and there isn’t a strict set of rules for you to follow here. Sure, the drums are pretty easy to start on as it’s a strictly rhythm-oriented instrument.

    However, it does require a lot of patience if one aims to learn how to play an entire set. This is why you, as a parent, should find a way to look into this and determine whether your child is ready to commit to this new activity and whether they’ll keep practicing and enjoying it for years to come. The lessons usually last anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, and practice sessions might even take longer. This requires some emotional maturity in order to work.

    What You Should Know If They Decide to Start Playing

    So if you’ve noticed all the signs and are certain that your child is ready to commit, by all means, go out there and prepare everything for their musical journey! However, as usual, things aren’t ever that simple. There are a few things to bear in mind after this important decision.

    First, you’ll need to buy the drums. But not just any drums. You should be looking for a smaller-sized set. Luckily, these are available both in music instrument stores and through online retailers. It’s advisable that you consult a professional. However, even a toy-like drum set can be enough if you feel like testing the waters first.

    Also, make sure that you’re not forcing them to do it. If they’re interested in drums, they’ll like them enough to practice them multiple times per week, if not daily.

    One important aspect is to find a way to protect their hearing. Simple earplugs or other types of hearing protection are mandatory. Another way to keep things as quiet as possible in your home is to buy a practice pad; or even an entire silent practicing kit. In fact, electronic drum sets are a pretty great choice as well, especially if you live in an apartment. It will make the practice sessions much more pleasant for both you and your child.

    Finally, we would also advise that your child engages with other kids who play music. It doesn’t have to be a group drum lesson. Even a playful jam session during a playdate is enough to get them even more interested in the instrument by exploring its full potentials. Aside from creativity, they’ll develop new ways of learning from others. This is crucial if they want to become good at it.

    It’s Never Too Early or Too Late!

    In the end, it’s important to know that music is an art form. Therefore, there are no limitations to what one can do. Technically, it’s never too early or too late for anyone to start playing any instrument, including drums.

    With that said, feel free to take the big step and find the best drum lessons for kids in the New Jersey area right here!