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Home » Guitar Tips for Beginners: 7 Things You Must Know

Guitar Tips for Beginners: 7 Things You Must Know

    It’s no secret that the guitar remains one of the most popular instruments among beginners. Although it has mostly been associated with rock and blues music, the guitar is actually present in almost all genres today and is capable of much more than you might think at first. So it comes as no surprise to see both young and adult folks joining the fun and starting to learn how to play this fine instrument. What’s more, guitars are surprisingly cheap these days, all while keeping some pretty decent qualities. Today’s article is on guitar tips for beginners!

    And the guitar isn’t really difficult to learn. On the other hand, it might be difficult to master. At the same time, there are a few issues that absolute beginners might be dealing with. The fretboard itself, for instance; might be very confusing to some, as well as coordinating what left and right hands are doing at the same time.

    With all this said, we’ve decided to look more into the matter and bring you the best tips for beginners. If you’re just starting out, then you’re at the right place as these will help you out on your musical journey.

    Guitar Tips for Beginners: Start Learning Music Theory as Soon as Possible

    Although rarely the first thing that aspiring guitar players are doing, it’s extremely important to learn music theory when you start playing any instrument. This way, you’ll not only understand what’s going on in music that you like and songs that you’re trying to learn, but you’ll also be able to make your own music and arrangements.

    Look at the music theory as your tool, rather than a master that you must obey. Sure, many might think that learning it can ruin your creativity. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When you learn the basics and start using them in practice, you’ll understand how chords and scales work together, meaning that you’d be able to create different moods for different kinds of songs and musical styles. But you need to start somewhere and it will take some time until you get a hang of it. Just be patient.

    Get Used to Metronomes

    Let’s get one thing out of the way; yes, using a metronome is one of the most boring and tedious things to a guitar player. In fact, it feels as if it’s sucking out all of the magic from music, that awful repetitive click. But still, it’s one of the most important things that you should include in your practice routine, even well beyond your beginner stages of playing.

    The thing is, if you want to be a musician, whether a solo performer or a band member, you’ll always need to have a firm grip over timing. Additionally, you’ll also be able to explore different kinds of rhythms and grooves, all while staying within perfect timing. And even if there’s a musical piece with more loose timing and extended notes, you’ll still need to be in full control. This is why metronomes are important.

    Guitar tips for beginners continue below…

    guitar tips for beginners

    Try to Learn New Music By Ear

    Yeah, you can learn new songs using tabs. After all, it’s a pretty simple and rewarding method, giving you the option to learn some of your favorite songs pretty quickly. While this is a great method for absolute beginners, it would be a good idea for you to start learning new music by ear. Even if it seems extremely hard, try going one note and one chord at a time.

    The idea is not to learn music mechanically, but rather being able to make out what’s actually going on. This is where you’ll implement music theory in practice. By knowing to recognize intervals, types of chords, scales, and some standard chord progressions, you’ll build a solid foundation to become an advanced – if not a professional – musician one day.

    Guitar Tips for Beginners: Start Learning Your Fretboard Early On

    When a beginner takes a guitar in their hands for the first time, fretboards always seem like the most confusing aspect of it. Keyboards and pianos are usually much simpler to understand, where everything is laid out in front of you. But it isn’t as hard as you might think.

    The same notes repeat on different strings at different places on the fretboard, which can be a little tricky to work with. However, the notes are also laid out in front of you. The best way to get ahold of this is to create your diagram and then practice guessing notes on random parts of the fretboard.

    Go at Your Own Pace and Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

    One of the most important things that beginners should bear in mind is to do things at their own pace. It might be discouraging seeing all of the talented guitarists who are sharing their progress on social media. But you should never be discouraged by it. After all, music is not a sport, rather an art form. Take your time, enjoy it, focus on practicing and jamming, and things will fall into place.

    Practice regularly

    Having continuity is the main “secret” to success. You don’t have to practice for 4 or 5 hours at one go. It’s just important to do it almost every day, even if it’s just one hour or half an hour. And make sure to isolate yourself from any of the modern-day distractions. Even though this is not the easiest task, you’ll start seeing results over time, which will motivate you to keep going. Eventually, you’ll have more discipline for practicing and a couple of hours will go by pretty fast.

    Jam With Your Friends

    Lastly, we’d advise you to keep in touch with other guitar players of your level and jam with them. This way, you’ll not only have fun but will also exchange experiences, which will eventually help you excel much faster. And when you learn some basic chord progressions and scales to play over them, you’ll start learning how to improvise.

    This wraps up our top guitar tips for beginners. To get the best from your online music lessons, check out Rock Out Loud Live!